Power porridge

There’s nothing like a steaming bowl of porridge on a cold morning – or a warm morning, for that matter, because the oaty breakfast is pretty much the healthiest way you can start your day. It’s packed with slow-release carbohydrates to fuel you up, not to mention protein to build muscle and keep you feeling full (plus an extra hit from the milk). It’s ready in minutes – in fact, you can do it in the microwave if even the simple method below is too much of a faff for you – and you can top it with almost anything you like for bonus health points.


50g porridge oats

200ml milk

1tbsp manuka honey

2tbsp pecan nuts, halved Handful of blueberries


• Put the milk and oats in a pan.

• Cook over a medium heat for eight to ten minutes, stirring occasionally.

• Top with the remaining ingredients and serve immediately.

Get the goodness

Milk is packed with muscle-building protein and calcium, which helps your body to metabolise fat efficiently.

Manuka honey contains methylglyoxal, an antibacterial agent that helps the body to fight infection.

Pecan nuts are high in heart-healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, as well as providing another hit of protein.

Blueberries offer pterostilbene, a compound that helps the body break down fat and lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol.