RPA demands fantastic accuracy

⁕ The RPA’s dedication to getting its computer system in shape to handle this years’ BPS applications can only be applauded. The new system appears to have worked well and seems to have done the basics. The new four-digit area measurements allow fantastic degrees of accuracy – as I discovered this morning on receiving a letter from the RPA to inform me that my calculations on one of the few paper applications I made contained an error.

Apparently there was an area for which I had not submitted a land use code. An area that amounted to 0.0001ha. That’s right, one square metre of land was not coded properly.

If only we could expect them to be quite so accurate when making payments on time.

I am tempted to send them a high-resolution photograph of the area in question so they can count the blades of grass, just to make sure.

Edward Dixon Simmons & Sons, Henley on Thames, Oxfordshire