Voters need more info for EU choice

⁕ Sitting on the fence about the referendum is not a sign of weakness or indecision. It comes from not having enough information that can be trusted – there are still some important pieces missing from both sides.

This is a debate about the future, not about past or present battles. Both sides have to explain their vision for the future of the UK, in or out of the EU, and how they are going to achieve it. Only then can we judge whether we want to be part of it or not. It is easy to be swayed by the emotions of the headlines, but the story is often very different when you look at the details.

We need to hear what “Remain” will do with the CAP, and how it will control the European Commission and the European Court of Justice.

Brexit needs to commit to some level of subsidies and not spend them all on new hospitals, to allow temporary labour, as well as agreeing on which pieces of red tape it will have to keep.

Neither side can deliver everything they promise, either, because we have such a small minority of the votes in the EU institutions or because the negotiations with 27 countries will be too difficult.

But where does Remain draw its “red line” in the sand to protect our interests? And how will Brexit get us out of the EU without hurting the economy?

This is why we launched our own unbiased website at

However, if you want to hear what the parties say about the future then we must get away from this music hall of custard pies, bad jokes and economic magic tricks that they try to call a campaign.

Nicholas Craig-Harvey Winchester, Hampshire