Boost T naturally

❶ Zinc

This element is promoted as a big T-booster – yet it’s only effective in people with a deficiency. But because zinc is lost through sweat, if you train intensively – especially in humid conditions – you risk low levels. Supplementing with zinc could bring levels back into the normal range, boosting testosterone in the process. However, high doses can irritate your gastrointestinal tract, especially if taken on an empty stomach, and deplete copper levels over time. Natural sources include oysters and red meat.

❷ Magnesium

Magnesium is involved in more than 300 biological actions throughout your body, including playing a role in maintaining normal testosterone levels. And like zinc, it’s lost through sweat so supplementation can restore levels to a more healthy range to support testosterone levels. Taking too much magnesium can cause stomach upsets and nausea. Eat more brazil nuts, seeds and green leafy veg if you want to increase your levels naturally.

❸ Vitamin D

The chances you are deficient in vitamin D are quite high – living in the UK means we don’t get enough direct sunshine year-round for our bodies to make it. And because vitamin D receptors are located in sperm cells, it’s thought to play a key role in T production. Multiple studies have shown that men with a vitamin D deficiency experience a T increase after supplementation. If you want to supplement with vitamin D, and you probably should, then take it with a meal containing fat to help your body absorb it better.

❹ Creatine

Creatine is a small organic acid that replenishes ATP levels in a cell faster than glucose or fatty acids, and is most well known for its ability to increase the rate of muscle growth and improvements in strength during training. Studies have shown that in men aged 18 to 35, creatine supplementation causes a 20-25% increase in testosterone concentrations. Small doses of creatine are found in red meat, but the best option is to supplement with between 5g and 10g a day, taken with plenty of water.

If you’re low in testosterone, you’ll know about it. It’s not just the physical problems -the struggle to maintain and build muscle, and tendency to store more fat – there’s the mental signs too, including fatigue, irritability and low libido. So if you think you’re low in this vital male sex hormone, try these scientifically proven supplement solutions (recommended by independent research firm Examine) to look good and feel even better.