Fruit juices and smoothies have come in for a lot of criticism of late – and rightly so. The mass-produced ready-to-drink kind are typically high in sugar and low in nutrients, despite being billed by slick marketing campaigns (and promoted by Instagram fitness gurus) as the ultimate and trendy breakfast alternative or post-workout recovery drink.

But although shop-bought juices should be off your menu if you’re serious about shedding fat, if you follow these simple tips– and always make your own – then juices can genuinely improve your diet and move you closer towards your fitness goal.

1 Don’t replace meals

It might be fashionable to replace regular meals with juice, but the results are likely to wreck your blood sugar levels, encourage fat storage and leave you feeling tired and hungry. “Drinking juice in lieu of eating is not healthy or sustainable, no matter how nutrient-packed,” says dietician Marjorie Nolan Cohn (mncnutrition.com). Instead, think of juice like you would a protein shake – an excellent option for supplementing, rather than replacing, real food.

2 Add in veggies

Adding veg to your blender makes drinks far more beneficial because of the added vitamins and reduced sugar levels. There’s nothing you can’t add –although we don’t receommend potatoes – but start with green leafy veg. “Kale works really well in juices, and also provides a big hit of calcium, a mineral that plays a key role in regulating body-fat levels,” says sports nutritionist Scott Baptie (foodforfitness.co.uk). Then you can experiment with some more options, like vitamin A-rich carrots.

3 Spice it up

Adding veg can improve a drink’s vitamin value, but sometimes the taste leaves a little bit to be desired. If you want to reinvigorate your juice, consider adding some spices (see box, opposite) for both improved flavour and health-helping compounds. “Cinnamon, for example, adds a natural sweetness, and will also help to regulate your blood sugar levels so you don’t suffer energy spikes and crashes that can increase temptations for junk food,” says Baptie.

4 Improve absorption

Vitamins B and C are water-soluble, whereas vitamins A, D and E are fat-soluble, so ideally they need to be consumed with a good-quality fat to enhance the absorption process. Adding a small amount of coconut oil or half an avocado will do the job.