character tests

We attack the mayor with hummus. Men watch the action movie, they eat of the beef, and enjoy to look at the bosoms. A vampire in love with a Slayer. It’s rather poetic, in a maudlin sort of way. Why can’t you just masturbate like the rest of us? Sweetie, if he had a tussle with that Sasquatch, we’d be in the dirt right about now, scooping up the Captain’s teeth. I swallowed a bug. Oh my god, I find lentils completely incomprehensible. Say Skywalker, and I smack ya. The only way some people can find a purpose in life is by becoming obsessed with demons.
Once again I teeter at the precipice of the generational gap. We’re outlaws with hearts of gold. Or even worse, a sneezure. Did you know that the only animal in the animals crackers that has clothes is the monkey? I’m the one who brings about the thought-pocalypse. Shh! No programs, don’t use that word. Just be Buffy. They’re a little bit bison.
Ah, the pitter patter of tiny feet in huge combat boots. We attack the mayor with hummus. Oh my god you will never believe what happened at school today. Did the primary buffer panel just fall off my Gorram ship for no apparent reason?

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