Quest for better soil sets up a no-till challenge

To till or not to till? It’s a question being asked by increasing numbers of growers looking seriously at the options for direct-drilling.

The arguments for and against no-till crop establishment are by no means clear-cut. Inevitably it comes down to the individual farm, its soils and what best suits the farming system that’s already in place.

For Cambridgeshire grower David Walston, it is a topic he has spent a lot of time researching as part of a wider objective of improving the soils at Thriplow Farms.

“For years we had run with a fairly conventional min-till system to establish monoculture crops – like many other farms,” he explains.

“But when I started looking closely at our yield maps and our spend on inputs over the past couple of decades, it became obvious we were shelling out more money for very little extra tonnage.

In fact, when you took varietal improvements into account, we were seeing a decline in yields – something I was obviously very keen to reverse.”


Delving deeper into the data, Mr Walston became convinced that the drop-off in crop performance and increased spend on inputs were down to a couple of key issues – a fall in soil organic matter and a lack of diversity in flora and fauna on the soil surface.

Pretty quickly he realised one way to halt this decline was to use cover cropping to ensure stubbles did not go bare – but that was just a small part of the picture.

Keen to investigate what more he could do, he secured a Nuffield scholarship and embarked on a twoyear research project to discover what he could learn from other growers facing similar issues.

“The key message I got was that, although soil health is a difficult concept to pin down, organic matter is very important for maintaining and improving soil condition,” he says.

“Across the globe the most common practice in conserving organic matter in the soil is no-till drilling. To me that seemed like the obvious route for us to go down as a first step in improving soil health.

“However, here in the UK no-till isn’t common practice and until recently there hasn’t been a massive choice of machines on the market capable of working in our conditions. It seems those farms that are doing it have had to spend extraordinary amounts of money on the bits of kit to do the job.”


Mr Walston wasn’t convinced that vast capital expenditure was necessary – or justifiable – to set out down the direct-drilling route at Thriplow.

“On our easy-working soils, I couldn’t see why our 16-year-old Horsch CO8 tine drill wouldn’t do a decent job in the right conditions,” he says.

“So we tried it and it worked. The crops came up and yielded just as well as the more conventionally established ones.

“But the CO has its pitfalls – without any proper slot-closing you rely on easily friable soils crumbling in over the seed, and its wide row spacing isn’t ideal for all crops. I wanted to see how well a disc-type drill would work in our conditions. Ultimately I would like something to run alongside the Horsch.”

With this in mind, Mr Walston decided he needed to set up a proper field-scale trial at Thriplow using the CO8, a demonstration John Deere 750A direct-drill and a contractor’s Cross Slot.


Designed in New Zealand and built in the UK by Primewest, the Cross Slot is often put on a pedestal as the ultimate no-till seeder with a price tag to match – a 4m version costs £116,000, while a 6m Kiwi-built version will set you back £170,000.

By contrast, a 4m 750A lists at £68,919 and the 6m model comes in at £99,371.

Intrigued by how such an outlay could be justified, Mr Walston wanted to see exactly how crops established with the three different machines would perform on his own land, side-by-side in one field.

So in October last year each machine was allocated a tonne of wheat seed and a 4.4ha plot to drill. The field in question has a fairly high clay content, but also lots of calcium, so it is relatively easy working. With each drill set to work at 30-40mm deep, seed placement wasn’t an issue.

“At first glance, the Deere appeared to be causing more surface disturbance than the Cross Slot, but that was probably due to its narrower row spacing,” says Mr Walston. “It has 50% more openers per metre, so disturbance per coulter was probably about the same.”

The John Deere machine has a narrower row spacing than the Cross Slot

What was surprising was the way the two purpose-made direct drills coped with coulter penetration in the relatively dry, hard soils.

The 6m John Deere weighs in at about 6.5t empty, giving a theoretical coulter pressure of 175kg per opener. In contrast, the 5m Cross Slot crosses the weighbridge at a massive 12t empty, thanks to its frame being filled with steel. That means there’s a monstrous 571kg of downforce generated by each coulter.

Despite this, at the lower end of the trial field, where the soil was heaviest, the New Zealand-designed machine needed every ounce of its heavyweight bulk to place seed at the correct depth.

“Last autumn wasn’t too dry and conditions weren’t that challenging, but you could still see the Cross Slot’s weight was essential to keep its openers in the ground,” says Mr Walston. “I find this very worrying, given that the conditions were soft. I really doubt that no-till would be possible in a dry autumn on these heavier fields with the Cross Slot.”

The heavy Cross Slot (left) seemed to need all its weight to get seed to the right depth; the lighter John Deere (right) drilled the seed just as effectively in the trial


As the crop came up, plant counts were done to add a degree of scientific credibility to the trial. The John Deere’s plots scored best, with 85% establishment, while rates for the Cross Slot and the Horsch were in the high 60s. Since then, tiller counts have been done each month to monitor exactly how well the different plots are performing.

By mid-spring, some marked differences had started to show themselves. It appeared that the areas drilled with the John Deere 750A had 25-50% more tillers than the parts of the field sown with the Horsch CO8 and the Cross Slot.

“I am surprised that we have seen such a dramatic difference in crop performance – back in the autumn I thought we would see no variation at all,” says Mr Walston.

“Honestly I can’t say exactly why it is, but at a guess I would suggest that it might be down to slugs. It was warm and wet as the seedlings started to emerge, so perhaps the slots made by the Horsch and Cross Slot provided a better home for the slugs than the Deere’s drill row.

There might be something in that, as many of the NZ Cross Slots are sold with a built-in pelleter.”


So what could that mean for the way crops could be treated?

“The main thing that’s different about the wheat drilled with the Deere is that – despite it having the same number of plants per row – there are higher plant populations because it has the narrower row spacing – 167mm rather than the Cross Slot’s 238mm or the Horsch’s 250mm,” says Mr Walston.

“Potentially that could give us the option to reduce seed rates by 20% and save £10-£20/ha. But ultimately we can’t make a judgement call on that until we have seen the harvest results. Once we know how much each plot has yielded, we will know if there’s a true difference – it’s the tonnage it the barn that counts.”

Roll up for a glimpse of latest kit


Brocks Wheel & Tyre claims a first in producing an adjustable wheel rim rated to 65km/hour for use on tractors.

At present, tractors capable of running at 50kph and more have been limited to using fixed rims built to handle the increased loading and multi-directional stresses imposed on wheels and tyres at such speeds.

However, Brocks says its BWT design is very strong thanks to high-grade steel with precision-machined holes and a 15mm thick centre secured to the rim by a dozen extra-strong bolts.


A crop store ventilation system being introduced by Evans & Pearce (pictured bottom) could save up to 40% in electricity costs by controlling fans on a differential temperature basis to optimise use of favourable ambient air conditions.

Another feature of CropCool Wireless is that its modular structure can grow from a basic monitoring package to a full-blown store control and crop data logging system in line with budgets and expectations, says the company.

For auto cooling, the system uses wireless temperature probes to feed information to a controller that switches ventilation fans on and off according to temperature and/or humidity. Early autumn ambient conditions are usually most favourable between 2am and 6am.


The Horsch Avatar SD will make its first appearance in final production form, using components such as the hopper and metering system – from the company’s Pronto DC seed drills – to create a single-disc coulter drill robust enough for sowing direct into stubbles as well as into worked seed-beds.

The single-disc opener operates with a side-mounted rubber depth wheel and is carried on a trailing coulter arm along with a press wheel and covering disc.

A coulter frame designed to eliminate sideways movement and up to 220kg pressure should help maintain consistent sowing depth, says Horsch, but an optional weight pack adding 1,400kg to the 6m machine and 1,800kg to the 8m version is available for very heavy soils

The Avatar SD is available in 6m, 8m and 12m widths.

Horsch’s Avatar SD drill will make its first appearance in final production form. Hopper and metering come from the Pronto DC


A novel trailer that unloads using a roll-up conveyor will be unveiled by Joskin on its first Cereals stand, promising low-damage discharge of vulnerable crops such as sugar beet, potatoes and other vegetables.

Using a conveyor mechanism also means the Drakkar can discharge where limited height overhead makes it difficult to empty a tipping trailer and do so safely on uneven ground.

Push-off and walking floor trailers have the same attraction, but unlike these options, says Joskin, the conveyor approach does not compress the load to any extent.


A tracked option for the Massey Ferguson Centora straw walker and Delta rotary separation combines will make its UK debut on a 9380 Delta with uprated grain handling system. The MF Atrak assembly comprises a heavy-duty rubber traction belt wrapped around a track frame with four rollers positioned between the front and rear idlers to maintain maximum belt contact with the soil surface.

The combine itself has a new returns system and a clean grain elevator with 50% more capacity to help give the 496hp Delta combine’s output a lift.

The uprated elevating auger fills a 12,500-litre grain tank on regular versions of the Delta or a 10,500-litre tank on the chassis-levelling AutoLevel version.

Joskin trailer uses a roll-up conveyor to minimise damage to spuds and veg


The Select package devised by Mzuri for easily switching crop row spacing on the Pro-Til seed drill will be seen on the largest model for the first time.

Already available as an option on the 3m and 4m trailed machines, Select becomes the standard set-up for the 6m Pro-Til 6T, which is available only in seed/fertiliser format.

Select uses hydraulic break-back mechanisms to lift alternate leading tines and seed coulters out of work to switch from the standard 353mm, 17-row spacing to eight rows at 706mm for oilseed rape, cover crops and maize.

The Pro-Til will also feature a new electro-hydraulic drill management system with Isobus compatibility and variable seed rate integration and monitoring.


A front-mounted press re-engineered to make it more compact will be shown by Cousins of Emneth.

Taking 175mm out of the main frame and shortening the headstock assembly reduces the load on the tractor’s front linkage and front axle and should make the outfit more manoeuvrable and easier to handle.

The Cousins Front Press is available in multiple widths from 1.5m to 6m, with hydraulic folding on larger models, and a choice of cast rings, Spiroller coils, Razor Ring pressed steel rings and tooth packers.


A following harrow with hydraulic adjustment and the option to use one or two rows of tines or take the tool out of work altogether is being introduced by Dale Drills.

Creating a more level surface after the drill should result in more consistent consolidation when seedbeds are rolled after drilling, while also eliminating clumps of crop residues that can harbour slugs.

Being introduced at the same time is a lower-link arm-mounted drawbar for improved manoeuvrability and a deeper-working tine coulter option to enhance the versatility of Dale’s 3m to 8m Eco-M and 8m to 12m Eco-XL drills in handling direct, min-till or conventional seed-bed sowing.


A range of power harrows with taper bearings for the rotors and a stone protection system claimed to be unique will be unveiled by Weaving Machinery following its appointment as distributor for Breviglieri.

The Italian company has been acquired by the owners of Agrimaster, a manufacturer of linkage-mounted and reach arm flail mowers. These are distributed by Weaving, so the Worcestershire company was the logical choice to take over the Brevi range after former importer Reco closed earlier this year.

The 3m MekFarmer 230T power harrow will be shown in combination with Weaving’s own Tine Combi Drill, as well as a larger folding model from the 1m to 8m, 50-450hp line-up.

3m and 4m toolbar versions of Sumo’s DTS and DD drills will be shown for the first time at Cereals


Toolbar versions of the Sumo DTS and DD drills will be shown for the first time, highlighting the potential to run two different drills at the lowest cost using a tractor front-mounted hopper and metering/distribution system.

While the DD is designed as an ultra-low-disturbance disc drill for zero-till and minimum tillage with the ability to work in heavy residues and cover crops, the DTS is a strip-till tine drill that uses a series of soil-engaging elements to create a straw-free tilth in strips.

Cousins will be showing a more compact version of its front-mounted press

Both toolbar drills are available in 3m rigid and 4m folding versions, with 187.5mm and 200mm row spacings, respectively, for the DD, while the DTS sows 150mm bands at 333mm spacing.


A five-row heavy spring tine cultivator for stubble and secondary cultivation being introduced by TRP Imports is available with three tine designs and spacings to suit different soil types and cropping situations.

Well-controlled working depth is claimed for the Carré Penterra (pictured below) as a result of pairing front support wheels with a twin U-profile steel rollers, to create 2-3cm deep stale seed-beds at typical working speeds of about 12kph.

The semi-mounted version is pulled on a lower linkage drawbar, but a conventional trailed format is available for the 3m, 3.5m and 4m rigid, and 4m to 7m folding implements.


A smaller Spirit drill a revised design shared with the 4m model and revamped Rapid seed drills will be exhibited for the first time by Vaderstad, along with new capacity-increasing options for the Tempo precision seeder.

The new 3m Spirit R general-purpose trailed drill is also available in 4m configuration with a smaller and lighter plastic rather than steel seed hopper with 2,800-litre capacity. A high mounted fan to avoid dust and a Fenix electrically driven metering system provides half-width shut-off.

Final cultivation is by two rows of discs mounted on a central beam chassis, with a choice of paddle levelling tines preceding them if required, followed by packer tyres, 380mm offset V-disc openers, press wheels and a covering harrow.