
Oh my god, I find lentils completely incomprehensible. Barmaid, bring me stronger ale, and some plump, succulent babies to eat. Last month he’s the freak with jicama breath who waxes his back. I’ve got a theory, some kid is dreaming, and we’re all stuck inside his wacky broadway nightmare. That girl will rain destruction down on you and your ship. Spike! It’s Spike. And he’s wearing a coat. The living legend needs eggs!

Once again I teeter at the precipice of the generational gap. Did you know that the only animal in the animals crackers that has clothes is the monkey? Say, aren’t you leaving a hole in the middle of some soggy group hug?

I’ve seen your kindness and your strength. When I kiss you, you don’t wake up from a deep sleep and live happily ever after. What did I say to you about barging into my shuttle? Did the primary buffer panel just fall off my Gorram ship for no apparent reason? In my world, we have people in chains, and we can ride them like ponies. So, I’m wondering, do the other cookie animals feel sorta ripped? You will keep a civil tongue in this house or we’ll put your tongue in a stew.
You’re gonna die screaming but you won’t be heard. You will keep a civil tongue in this house or we’ll put your tongue in a stew. I figure, if I’m responsible for the end of the world, I get to name it. I’m the one who brings about the thought-pocalypse. It was supposed to confuse him, but it just made him peppy. Say, aren’t you leaving a hole in the middle of some soggy group hug? I don’t think Buffy’s going to be too broken up over a pylon. The lambs have passed through the gate. Everyone’s a hero in their own way, in their own not that heroic way.
Someone else’s loss is my chocolatey goodness. You were a worthless being before you were ever a monster. Well, I haven’t been to a hell dimension just of late, but I do know a thing or two about torment. I recognize the council has made a decision, but given that it’s a stupid-ass decision, I’ve elected to ignore it. Imagine Bonnie and Clyde if they had 150 years to get it right. Why not default them with ninja skills or whatever? And you know the monkey’s just,’I mock you with my monkey pants!’ Instead you go all Dumbledore on me. You could, uh, could have, like, a world without shrimp, or with, you know, nothing but shrimp. That girl will rain destruction down on you and your ship.
It’s just a long cultural tradition of raging insincerity. If every vampire who said he was at the crucifixion actually was there, it would’ve been like Woodstock. Anything for you, because I love you. Deep, deep man love. Either blow us all up or rub soup in our hair. It’s a toss-up.
Easy as really difficult pie. In their resting state, our actives are as innocent and vulnerable as children. She’s a truck-driving magic mama! Every single person down there is ignoring your pain because they’re too busy with their own. Say Skywalker, and I smack ya.
Now I’m just a big, fluffy puppy with bad teeth. First of all, Feng Shui up the yin yang, also I designed parts of it but I did not design the stone cold foxes in the small clothes and the ample massage facilities. Well, look at me. I’m all fuzzy. The gentlemen are coming by. You can’t take the sky from me.
Can I start getting sexed already? It has nothing to do with me. You’d best make peace with your dear and fluffy Lord. It’s like somebody slaughtered an Abercrombie and Fitch catalog. I don’t buckle. Occasionally I swashbuckle. Little man loved fire. Why not default them with ninja skills or whatever?
First of all, Feng Shui up the yin yang, also I designed parts of it but I did not design the stone cold foxes in the small clothes and the ample massage facilities. I would appreciate it if one person on this boat would not assume I’m an evil, lecherous hump. Buffy’s boinking Spike. Uh, hey, I got a idea. Instead of us hanging around playing art critic ’til I get pinched by the man, how’s about we move away from this eerie-ass piece of work, and get on with our increasingly eerie-ass day. How’s that?